
Information about Walkwell, a project encouraging people to take regular walks around local parks and areas in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Local walking for improving health

Walkwell are local short walks encouraging socialising and increased activity in Hammersmith & Fulham. The programme is very inclusive and would benefit the health of people with low fitness levels. To find out about the volunteer led walks view Walking for Health who accredit our walks.

There are also termly Rambles for older adults (50 years and over) that take minibuses to the countryside. This is run through the Agewell programme.

View a short video about the fortnightly walks led by Healthy Hearts

Walkwell maps have been developed by Sports Development and Hammersmith & Fulham Urban Studies Centre (HFUSC) using a team of community volunteers to research and develop the walks and accompanying information including a description of the route, photographs, a map and eight points of historical and environmental interest.

Walking routes

You can download pdf versions of self-guided Walkwell routes in Hammersmith & Fulham.

Bishop's Park

This is a circular route and is 1.3 miles in distance or 2.09 kilometres.

Download the Bishop's Park route (pdf 2.1MB).

Imperial walk

This route is 1.25 miles in distance or 2.01 kilometres.

Download the Imperial walk self-guided route (pdf 2.6MB).

Common land

This is a circular route and is 1.4 miles in distance or 2.25 kilometres.

Download the Common land route (pdf 2.7MB).

In the shadow of the Empress State

This is a circular route and is 2.7 miles in distance or 4.35 kilometres.

Download the In the shadow of the Empress State route (pdf 952KB).

St Paul's to St Peter's

This route is 1.3 miles in distance or 2.09 kilometres.

Download the St. Paul's to St. Peter's route (pdf 1.9MB).

Ravenscourt Park

This is a circular route and is 0.9 miles in distance or 1.45 kilometres.

Download the Ravenscourt Park route (pdf 1.8MB).

Brook Green

This is a circular route and is 0.6 miles in distance or 0.97 kilometres.

Download the Brook Green route (pdf 2.1MB).

Beyond the Bush

This is a circular route and is 1.8 miles in distance or 2.9 kilometres.

Download the Beyond the Bush route (pdf 1.7MB).

A walk on the wide side

This is a circular route and is 1.5 miles in distance or 2.41 kilometres.

Download the A walk on the wild side route (pdf 3.9MB).

Still waters

This is a circular route and is 1.3 miles in distance or 2.09 kilometres.

Download the Still waters route (pdf 2.8MB).

Why walk?

70% of adult men and women do not take enough exercise to benefit their health. This increases the risks of many types of ill health.

Walking is the best way for people of all ages to become more active. It requires no equipment of expense and can be built into your everyday routine. You can start slowly and build up gently. If you can only walk for a couple of minutes and then need to rest, that's OK. Where you start from isn't important - it's where you're going that counts!

Regular walking can improve your:

  • confidence
  • stamina
  • energy
  • weight control
  • life expectancy

It can reduce the risk of:

  • coronary heart disease / strokes
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • bowel cancer
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • osteoporosis / arthritis
  • anxiety / stress

For more general information contact: Debbie Peters-Mill, Sports Development Officer:


07949 244253

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